Street Jazz
Commentary from Northwest Arkansas
Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 18:31:17
Hell by the Week
I wrote this article earlier this year, about a situation that has been a festering sore in Fayetteville - and other communities in Northwest Arkansas - for a long time now. Lioneld Jordan, who is quoted in the article, may have a chance to have some influence in the matter, now that he has been elected mayor.
Hell by the Week
In Fayetteville, the "affordable housing" no one wants to talk about
Written by Richard S. Drake
It is a blow to reform and the political hopes of the poor that the middle-class no longer understands that poverty exists. But, perhaps more important, the poor are losing their links with the great world . . .They are not seen and because of that they themselves cannot see. Their horizon has become more and more restricted; They see one another, and that means they see little reason to hope. - Michael Harrington, "The Other America"
In an ever-uncertain economy, more and more families find themselves unable to provide even a shadow of the lives that their parents provided for them.
Some find themselves lost in a crippling cycle of poverty, unable to thrive in a community which seems either unaware or uncaring of their problems. Many in this Northwest Arkansas community find themselves living in conditions that can only be best described as sub-standard.
Be careful when you walk out onto the porch - the boards might give way. Don't flush the toilet if all you are going to do is urinate; the landlord hasn't come to fix it yet.
For many, the Dickensian world of poor houses and slums where families struggle by on a few dollars a week may be a sort of Victorian fantasy, but they exist here in our midst. And for many of us, they exist only a few blocks away, in places you would barely suspect.
The debate over what constitutes "affordable housing" has raged in Fayetteville now for over a decade, with most of the conversation having to do with the price of homes. While this is a laudable goal, very little public debate has dealt with rental properties, and ever increasing rents.
And one subject which is never touched upon is the subject of landlords who charge rent by the week, or on a month-to-month basis.
One converted motel in Fayetteville, for instance, charges $275 a month (plus $125 deposit) for a 15x18 ft. room, sans furniture. Naturally, being a former motel, there is no kitchen, though microwaves and hotplates are allowed.
Many older homes rent rooms by the week, to college students or industrial workers. For the most part, these are fairly decent places to live. But there are situations can only be described as unpleasant, and those are conditions that might be found in trailer parks which charge by the week.
While most trailer parks are well-kept properties, some are truly hellish places to live, and while moving in can seem like a good idea at the time, it doesn't take long before one realizes that one is in a financial bear trap.
A financial swamp - just blocks from the UA
Kevin and Mary (their names have been changed) are a young couple who have been living in a small trailer park located just a few blocks from the University of Arkansas. Residents of the park for the past six months, their rent is $165 a week.
Let's not gloss over that. It's not $165 a month. It's $165 a week, payable every Friday. That's $660 a month, except for months with five Fridays - then it is $825.
For this princely sum they have a two-bedroom trailer with all utilities paid - cable TV is extra. The owners of the trailer park insist on cash; checks and money orders are not accepted.
When they moved in, the trailer was roach-infested, and mildew had marred the areas under the sinks.
Mary said, "The light fixtures were also loose when we moved in."
When someone is between jobs, or has to move out from another place suddenly, such trailer parks can seem like a godsend. After only a short time, however, economic reality sets in.
Kevin said. "I bring in two hundred and fifty a week from my job, and we have food stamps." The couple have three children living with them in the small trailer. Even with food stamps, Mary said, "We usually have less than $20 left at the end of a week."
Kevin added, "At my last job, I was always having to get an early draw on my weekly paycheck, just to make ends meet." His new job does not allow this practice.
Kevin travels back and forth to his job on a small scooter.
They are quick to admit that the living conditions are less than ideal, and that the park is no place to raise children. In frustration, Mary pointed out that several of the other park residents are drug addicts.
Occasionally on the roads between trailers, drug syringes can be found on the ground. In fact, after Kevin and Mary moved into the trailer, they found a syringe under the cushions of their couch.
And, of course, others in the park are simply in the same boat as Kevin and Mary, people who had fallen on hard times, and now find themselves further trapped.
The day I visited them in the trailer, I had to be careful not to flush the toilet, as the park maintenance man had not yet been in to fix it since it had stopped flushing properly over a week before. There was also a small saucepan under the toilet to catch leaking water.
In addition to the faulty toilet, Kevin and Mary recounted how their smoke detector had stopped working, and it took several weeks to replace. Finally, a new one was simply placed on their doorstep, so they could replace the unit themselves.
Their ultimate dream - like that of so many other young couples - is to be able to save enough money so that they can find a nicer place to live. Their need for a nicer place to live may be more immediate than that of most young couples, however.
They recounted how sewage pipes from several trailers stick up out of the ground, and become clogged with toilet paper and excrement, and that children often play through the area, both before and after park management treat the area with lime.
They do not allow their own children to play around the pipes.
The writer pretends to be looking for a place to live
While taking pictures of various rent-by-the-week parks in Fayetteville, I visited the site with the open sewage. Sure enough, at least one pipe seemed to be clogged with toilet paper. As I came around the corner, putting my camera in my pocket, I walked - almost literally - into the park maintenance man.
"Can I help you?" he inquired.
"Why yes," I answered quickly. "I'm looking for a place to live. Do you have any trailers available?"
Two minutes later I was speaking with the manager, a heavy-set middle-aged woman. She explained the payment schedule to me, and how if my rent was late by a day, a daily charge would be put on my rent, until I was evicted the next week.
"That's okay," I said. "I think I may be able to work things out with my wife fairly soon. I don't anticipate being here very long."
I then found myself standing in a dark, dingy two-bedroom trailer, much like Kevin and Mary's. Even if one broke all the windows, and took off the doors, the trailer would still be as dark as a cavern. I have no sense of smell, so I can't report on that, but the signs of mildew stain in the bathroom and kitchen were evident.
In one bedroom, the door was only standing upright because a wire was affixed to the closet, holding it in place.
Possibly the most disturbing thing was the back door of the trailer; the lock was completely broken off, and it was only held in place by a wire holding it to the frame. One good tug or shove would no doubt give entry to anyone desiring to break in.
I told them that I might be back. On the way out of the park I noticed that there was no sign out front, advertising the park's presence. Under one streetlight was a video surveillance camera, the lens broken, and the wire
Before this article went to press, I spoke with the Code Compliance Division at Fayetteville City Hall, and learned that in the summer of 2007, the owner of this particular trailer park had been sent a certified letter which declared the park a "Public Nuisance."
The letter was never signed for or picked up.
After we spoke, city inspectors came out again and looked over the property, investigating plumbing and taking photographs for possible code
Of course, if pressed, the owner may simply decide to shut the trailer park down - thus throwing all of the tenants out on the street, forcing them to look for new homes.
For families who can barely save $20 a week after rent and groceries, this may be next to impossible. If they are lucky, they might move in temporarily with family or friends.
But if they are not so lucky?
This taking advantage of people when they are already down does not sit well with some in local government. Alderman Lioneld Jordan (Ward 4) had this to say when he read the interview with Kevin and Mary, and saw the photographs of the plumbing at the park:
"It is a sad state of affairs to think that anyone would be living in that kind of condition. We as a city must make sure that all citizens are cared for and are treated humanely. To have a decent place to live would be at the top of the list."
There are other places in Northwest Arkansas where landlords, eager to make a quick buck, see tenants as nothing more than income, and not as human beings.
For some it makes no difference that the tenants are Hispanics, or U.S. citizens down on their luck. For them, these individuals and their families exist only to be fleeced, whether the housing is adequate or not.
Fayetteville may have come a long way from the days when it was rumored that one trailer park in town put plywood down the center of a trailer and would rent out both halves - one half with a toilet, the other with a kitchen.
But not much more, evidently.
But perhaps things may turn around, with increased scrutiny on the part of the city administration and city council. As Alderman Nancy Allen (Ward 2), said about the situation, "This is shameful. In my opinion, a moral city can no longer turn its back on a segment of our population and just give lip service. It is time to back up the talk. I don't know the answers, but it is time to find them and take action. No one should be living in sub-human conditions. We must take an ethical stand and quit pretending the poor are invisible or wish them out of our eyesight."
In January, inspectors from the city of Fayetteville went out to the trailer park. The City informed the park management that, due to the obvious sewer water over flow problems, the situation must be fixed or they would risk having their water disconnected.
The manager indicated in a phone conversation to the city that the problem had been fixed. Nevertheless, city inspectors planned to revisit the site the next week.
As for Kevin and Mary? Their pipes were fixed, but they were then informed that they would have to clean their front yard or be charged $30.
The trash in the yard included the mess left over from fixing the sewage lines.
Life goes on.
Richard S. Drake is the author of a novel, "Freedom Run," and a history of
Fayetteville, "Ozark Mosaic: Adventures in Arkansas Alternative Journalism,
Arkansas Free Press - February, 2008
Posted by Richard S. Drake | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Arkansas Traveler reports that Lioneld Jordan beats Dan Coody in mayoral runoff
Jordan beats Coody in Fayetteville mayoral runoff
By: Miles Bryant
Posted: 12/1/08
The cards hit the table last Tuesday in the mayoral runoff between alderman Lioneld Jordan and incumbent Dan Coody. While most non-local students were packing bags and heading home, the city of Fayetteville changed its mayor for the next four years.
Jordan won the runoff election with a total of 5,796 votes, 57 percent, opposed to Coody's 4,319 votes, 42.7 percent.
"I'm excited and I'm humble all at the same time," Jordan said. "The first thing I'm going to do is meet all of the department heads, look at all the staff in January and get an idea of who's doing what."
Jordan is a fifth-generation Arkansan who went to high school in Madison County, and he has lived in Fayetteville for more than 30 years.
Jordan's blue and white campaign signs were titled with the slogan "Experience you can trust." And he often emphasized true open-door policies.
For 26 years, Jordan has been working with UA Facilities Management, and he has often expressed his love for the university and its students. For the past seven years, Jordan has been an alderman, and was elected vice mayor by the City Council for the past four years.
Throughout the campaign, Jordan said he wanted to bring town hall to the people and hear from the students. He has fought for student involvement, and has said that the first town hall meeting will be open-mic and hosted at the UA.
Coody, originally from Texas, moved to Fayetteville in 1987 and has been involved in city politics since. He was elected to the City Council in 1991 and first ran for mayor in 1992 but lost to Fred Hanna. However, he ran again and took office in 2001.
The Coody mayoral campaign ran with the slogan "Let's keep a good thing going" crossed along the top of his green and yellow campaign signs, and he often encouraged voters to look at his accomplishments as mayor. He emphasized the importance of arts in Fayetteville, and he was encouraged to look for a singer-songwriter festival he thought could compete with many of the music festivals in the area.
Since 2001, Coody has stacked a list of accomplishments, including hiring a sustainability coordinator to encourage environmental care, putting sustainable policies into the city government and creating a trail system for alternative transportation that he wants all students will use.
Though Coody has spent eight years in office, he will return to a normal life in January, when Jordan will take the reins as Fayetteville mayor.
© Copyright 2008 The Traveler
By: Miles Bryant
Posted: 12/1/08
The cards hit the table last Tuesday in the mayoral runoff between alderman Lioneld Jordan and incumbent Dan Coody. While most non-local students were packing bags and heading home, the city of Fayetteville changed its mayor for the next four years.
Jordan won the runoff election with a total of 5,796 votes, 57 percent, opposed to Coody's 4,319 votes, 42.7 percent.
"I'm excited and I'm humble all at the same time," Jordan said. "The first thing I'm going to do is meet all of the department heads, look at all the staff in January and get an idea of who's doing what."
Jordan is a fifth-generation Arkansan who went to high school in Madison County, and he has lived in Fayetteville for more than 30 years.
Jordan's blue and white campaign signs were titled with the slogan "Experience you can trust." And he often emphasized true open-door policies.
For 26 years, Jordan has been working with UA Facilities Management, and he has often expressed his love for the university and its students. For the past seven years, Jordan has been an alderman, and was elected vice mayor by the City Council for the past four years.
Throughout the campaign, Jordan said he wanted to bring town hall to the people and hear from the students. He has fought for student involvement, and has said that the first town hall meeting will be open-mic and hosted at the UA.
Coody, originally from Texas, moved to Fayetteville in 1987 and has been involved in city politics since. He was elected to the City Council in 1991 and first ran for mayor in 1992 but lost to Fred Hanna. However, he ran again and took office in 2001.
The Coody mayoral campaign ran with the slogan "Let's keep a good thing going" crossed along the top of his green and yellow campaign signs, and he often encouraged voters to look at his accomplishments as mayor. He emphasized the importance of arts in Fayetteville, and he was encouraged to look for a singer-songwriter festival he thought could compete with many of the music festivals in the area.
Since 2001, Coody has stacked a list of accomplishments, including hiring a sustainability coordinator to encourage environmental care, putting sustainable policies into the city government and creating a trail system for alternative transportation that he wants all students will use.
Though Coody has spent eight years in office, he will return to a normal life in January, when Jordan will take the reins as Fayetteville mayor.
© Copyright 2008 The Traveler
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Polls close at 7:30 p.m. Vote for Lioneld Jordan for mayor
Please click on image to Enlarge photo of Mary Dunham with her grandson, Brandon Odom, holding signs at South School and Martin Luther King Boulevard, formerly Sixth Street.
Time is short to vote. Don't miss the chance to help elect an honest, steadfast mayor with a heart big enough to value everyone.
Time is short to vote. Don't miss the chance to help elect an honest, steadfast mayor with a heart big enough to value everyone.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Runoff early voting continues Monday at the Courthouse with voting at regular precinct polls on Tuesday
Early voting is to be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday at the Washington County Courthouse at Dickson Street and College Avenue for the runoff election for mayor of Fayetteville between Lioneld Jordan and Dan Coody.
The following are precincts and polling locations for Tuesday’s runoff election. Voters will be asked for photo identification at the polls. Voters unsure of their precincts should call the Washington County Clerk’s office, 444-1711. Polls will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
1, 15, 26, 35 — Clarion Inn
2, 20 — Covenant Church
3 — Sang Avenue Baptist Church
4, 5, 33, 36 — Central United Methodist Church
6, 30 — Trinity Fellowship Assembly of God
7, 29 — First United Presbyterian Church
8, 25 — Yvonne Richardson Center
9, 10, 16, 24 — Wiggins Memorial United Methodist Church
11, 42 — Baldwin Church of Christ
12 — Buckner Baptist Church
13, 34 — Trinity United Methodist Church
14, 22, 38, 41 — Dwelling Place
17, 18, 32 — Sequoyah United Methodist Church
19 — St. John’s Lutheran Church
21 — First Assembly of God Church
23, 27, 31, 37, 40, 43 — Mount Comfort Church of Christ
28, 39 — Northeast Southern Baptist Church
The following are precincts and polling locations for Tuesday’s runoff election. Voters will be asked for photo identification at the polls. Voters unsure of their precincts should call the Washington County Clerk’s office, 444-1711. Polls will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
1, 15, 26, 35 — Clarion Inn
2, 20 — Covenant Church
3 — Sang Avenue Baptist Church
4, 5, 33, 36 — Central United Methodist Church
6, 30 — Trinity Fellowship Assembly of God
7, 29 — First United Presbyterian Church
8, 25 — Yvonne Richardson Center
9, 10, 16, 24 — Wiggins Memorial United Methodist Church
11, 42 — Baldwin Church of Christ
12 — Buckner Baptist Church
13, 34 — Trinity United Methodist Church
14, 22, 38, 41 — Dwelling Place
17, 18, 32 — Sequoyah United Methodist Church
19 — St. John’s Lutheran Church
21 — First Assembly of God Church
23, 27, 31, 37, 40, 43 — Mount Comfort Church of Christ
28, 39 — Northeast Southern Baptist Church
Firefighters support Lioneld Jordan for mayor
Firefighters group back Jordan
In October, the Fayetteville Fire Fighters Association and the Fayetteville Fraternal Order of Police decided to endorse Lioneld Jordan for the mayor of Fayetteville. Both organizations interviewed candidates and made recommendations to their respective memberships on which candidate to support. Lioneld Jordan received our endorsement for mayor because he is accountable, trustworthy and experienced. We believe that as mayor he will continue to be accountable and trustworthy and he will use his experience to move the city of Fayetteville forward. He has never missed a City Council vote in eight years as a Ward 4 alderman. He has conducted more than 100 Ward 4 meetings to make sure that his constituents were able to stay informed and educated with regard to city business. Lioneld Jordan has a 100 percent voting record for Fayetteville’s trails and natural areas. Lioneld Jordan has served as vice mayor since 2004, a position that he was elected to by his colleagues on the council. He has received endorsements from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and the Washington County Green Party. Lioneld has gained the endorsement of the Seirra Club and some of the current and past members of the city council. Lioneld Jordan has gained the respect of former mayoral candidates Steve Clark, Walt Eilers, Sami Sutton and Adam Firecat, which is why they chose to endorse Lioneld Jordan. Wednesday afternoon he also received an endorsement from former attorney general and mayoral candidate Steve Clark, who was once his opponent but now is his respected friend. We believe that Lioneld Jordan will bring accountability, integrity and trustworthiness to the position of the mayor for the city of Fayetteville.
Jeremy Ashley, president
Fayetteville Fire Fighters Association
In October, the Fayetteville Fire Fighters Association and the Fayetteville Fraternal Order of Police decided to endorse Lioneld Jordan for the mayor of Fayetteville. Both organizations interviewed candidates and made recommendations to their respective memberships on which candidate to support. Lioneld Jordan received our endorsement for mayor because he is accountable, trustworthy and experienced. We believe that as mayor he will continue to be accountable and trustworthy and he will use his experience to move the city of Fayetteville forward. He has never missed a City Council vote in eight years as a Ward 4 alderman. He has conducted more than 100 Ward 4 meetings to make sure that his constituents were able to stay informed and educated with regard to city business. Lioneld Jordan has a 100 percent voting record for Fayetteville’s trails and natural areas. Lioneld Jordan has served as vice mayor since 2004, a position that he was elected to by his colleagues on the council. He has received endorsements from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and the Washington County Green Party. Lioneld has gained the endorsement of the Seirra Club and some of the current and past members of the city council. Lioneld Jordan has gained the respect of former mayoral candidates Steve Clark, Walt Eilers, Sami Sutton and Adam Firecat, which is why they chose to endorse Lioneld Jordan. Wednesday afternoon he also received an endorsement from former attorney general and mayoral candidate Steve Clark, who was once his opponent but now is his respected friend. We believe that Lioneld Jordan will bring accountability, integrity and trustworthiness to the position of the mayor for the city of Fayetteville.
Jeremy Ashley, president
Fayetteville Fire Fighters Association
Praton Young finds Lioneld Jordan the best pick for mayor of Fayetteville
Jordan concerns “ baseless ”
I am ashamed of my hometown newspaper. I have never seen such a poorly written editorial [endorsing Dan Coody for mayor ]. Your inference that [Lioneld ] Jordan would be a more liberal mayor than Coody, and that Coody represents a larger portion of the people, is ridiculous. Coody has spent millions on his “ pet” projects that have benefited only a small percentage of Fayetteville’s citizens. Your accusation that Jordan wants to hold town hall-style meetings so that people can tell him what to do is insulting. When you say people will not want to attend these meetings, nothing could be further from the truth. The people that Jordan represents love to participate in the Ward meetings that he holds regularly, and people from other wards often attend. They provide a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere where people feel free to express their concerns and ask questions, quite unlike the City Council meetings where Mayor Coody has been rude and condescending to the public and aldermen alike. Your implication that under Jordan the extreme fringe will have a more active role in dictating Fayetteville’s direction is baseless. You are just instilling fear. These are tactics much like those used by the candidate you support. What I would like from my newspaper are answers to the following questions based on facts: (1 ) How did Coody get by with spending almost $ 1 million renovating the Square garden without approval of the City Council ? (2 ) What are Coody’s successful projects and how much revenue have they brought to the city ? (3 ) How much money has he spent on his travels and have the benefits offset the costs ? (4 ) How did the contract for the SouthPass project get executed over the objections of so many ? (5 ) I would like an accounting for taxpayer’s money given to the [Advertising and Promotion ] Commission. Why were they allowed to purchase a building for a little more than $ 1 million to promote tourism in Fayetteville when there are greater needs that are not being met ? (6 ) Why can’t we do more for the children in our town ? There are excellent agencies that do a wonderful job, but are in need of more money.
Praton Young
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
I am ashamed of my hometown newspaper. I have never seen such a poorly written editorial [endorsing Dan Coody for mayor ]. Your inference that [Lioneld ] Jordan would be a more liberal mayor than Coody, and that Coody represents a larger portion of the people, is ridiculous. Coody has spent millions on his “ pet” projects that have benefited only a small percentage of Fayetteville’s citizens. Your accusation that Jordan wants to hold town hall-style meetings so that people can tell him what to do is insulting. When you say people will not want to attend these meetings, nothing could be further from the truth. The people that Jordan represents love to participate in the Ward meetings that he holds regularly, and people from other wards often attend. They provide a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere where people feel free to express their concerns and ask questions, quite unlike the City Council meetings where Mayor Coody has been rude and condescending to the public and aldermen alike. Your implication that under Jordan the extreme fringe will have a more active role in dictating Fayetteville’s direction is baseless. You are just instilling fear. These are tactics much like those used by the candidate you support. What I would like from my newspaper are answers to the following questions based on facts: (1 ) How did Coody get by with spending almost $ 1 million renovating the Square garden without approval of the City Council ? (2 ) What are Coody’s successful projects and how much revenue have they brought to the city ? (3 ) How much money has he spent on his travels and have the benefits offset the costs ? (4 ) How did the contract for the SouthPass project get executed over the objections of so many ? (5 ) I would like an accounting for taxpayer’s money given to the [Advertising and Promotion ] Commission. Why were they allowed to purchase a building for a little more than $ 1 million to promote tourism in Fayetteville when there are greater needs that are not being met ? (6 ) Why can’t we do more for the children in our town ? There are excellent agencies that do a wonderful job, but are in need of more money.
Praton Young
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Marion Orton and Paula Marinoni support Lioneld Jordan
Louise Mann says support Lioneld Jordan to support our police and firefighters
Please click on images to ENLARGE photos of Louise Mann supporting Lioneld Jordan.
I'm sure we all want to show support for our fire and police, the people who risk their lives for us, daily.
They have now stood up against the current mayor. The Fire and Police have come together and endorsed Lioneld Jordan for mayor.
Why would they do that, if they did not feel very strongly there was a need for change? This is an endorsement that comes from the guys in the trenches. They have worked with both candidates.
Please think about this next question? Would you have the courage to come out and openly endorse against your boss? Have you ever taken such a courageous stand? It's not a small thing to do. Imagine the consequences.
Both Walt Eilers and Steve Clark have endorsed Lioneld. The Green groups have endorsed Lioneld. And the Unions have endorsed Lioneld.
These people/groups did not make their endorsements lightly. People are speaking out because they know, from firsthand experience, what kind of leadership would be good for Fayetteville.
I think most of us would agree that our fire and police have been darn good to us over the years.
Let's support our Fire and Police Depts. and give them the leader they have requested, Lioneld Jordan!
NANCY Allen says Lioneld Jordan is Fayetteville's best bet
Hope you don't mind an endorsement and plug from me for the runoff mayoral race.
I have never done this before, but I have never been on the City Council before and will not be again. So, I feel I have a "one time" unique perspective.
My Council seat is beside Dan Coody's. Lioneld Jordan is the vice mayor. So when the Mayor is out of town, I sit beside Lioneld.
The first time that occurred, Lioneld pulled a crinkled dollar bill out of his pocket and said to me, "The buck stops here."
Mayor Coody has never done the same, literally or symbolically.
I have heard Lioneld say, "I made a mistake."
I have never heard that from the Mayor. If there is a problem, Dan Coody blames the Council.
I have never heard Lioneld be rude to others on the Council.
Our mayor has been condescending and patronizing when an alderman asks a question which a constituent wanted answered.
For example, the $60 million plus sewer overrun or the hotel that became a hole in the ground.
Lioneld has never missed a Council meeting and has monthly Ward meetings to keep in touch with people in his Ward.
The Mayor was in France last year during budget time.
Lioneld conducted the budget meetings. Working together with the Council, Lioneld produced a balanced budget.
Lioneld Jordan cares about ALL the people of our city. I have never known a more pure public servant. Lioneld is a good listener. He will work from daylight to dark for us. He will work to create a better economic base so that our people have decent paying jobs. Lioneld is a fine and ethical man with a pure heart. I hope you will join me in voting for my friend, Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville on November 25th. He has experience you can trust.
Best regards,
I have never done this before, but I have never been on the City Council before and will not be again. So, I feel I have a "one time" unique perspective.
My Council seat is beside Dan Coody's. Lioneld Jordan is the vice mayor. So when the Mayor is out of town, I sit beside Lioneld.
The first time that occurred, Lioneld pulled a crinkled dollar bill out of his pocket and said to me, "The buck stops here."
Mayor Coody has never done the same, literally or symbolically.
I have heard Lioneld say, "I made a mistake."
I have never heard that from the Mayor. If there is a problem, Dan Coody blames the Council.
I have never heard Lioneld be rude to others on the Council.
Our mayor has been condescending and patronizing when an alderman asks a question which a constituent wanted answered.
For example, the $60 million plus sewer overrun or the hotel that became a hole in the ground.
Lioneld has never missed a Council meeting and has monthly Ward meetings to keep in touch with people in his Ward.
The Mayor was in France last year during budget time.
Lioneld conducted the budget meetings. Working together with the Council, Lioneld produced a balanced budget.
Lioneld Jordan cares about ALL the people of our city. I have never known a more pure public servant. Lioneld is a good listener. He will work from daylight to dark for us. He will work to create a better economic base so that our people have decent paying jobs. Lioneld is a fine and ethical man with a pure heart. I hope you will join me in voting for my friend, Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville on November 25th. He has experience you can trust.
Best regards,
Friday, November 21, 2008
Aubrey Shepherd supports Lioneld Jordan in the Nov. 20, 2008, Fayetteville Free Weekly
Lioneld Jordan offers fair and open government
In the general election, Lioneld Jordan got votes from people from all political parties. Independence of thought and freedom from prejudice are two important qualities people admire about Lioneld Jordan.
Some said they follow city-government meetings on Government Channel and respect Lioneld for his work in eight years of City Council, committee and ward meetings.
Several said his work for neighborhoods made them trust him more than any other official.
Others said they met Lioneld years ago and respected his integrity in private life. Some said they had worked with him and recognized his consistently good judgment and kindness as he rose to a supervisory management position.
Some city workers have said privately that after years of interaction with Lioneld they felt more comfortable working with him than with any other elected official.
People who care about the fertile soil, clean air and water, trees, tall-grass prairie, wildlife, streams and all things living in Fayetteville said they voted for Lionel because of his consistent support of trails and parks and especially his voting to protect Wilson Spring and to create World Peace Wetland Prairie.
Some people said they voted for Jordan because of his support of well-planned developments and because he invites developers to his Ward Four meetings to interact with constituents BEFORE developers commit to projects with flaws easily recognized by people who live near the projects.
Most important is that many long-time Fayetteville residents recognize that Lioneld is dedicated to improving life for everyone in our city, regardless of economic status. He is a working man who reads constantly, listens to everyone and learns every day.
Early voting begins November 18 at the Washington County Courthouse. The county Website lists polling places for runoff election day, November 25.
Please vote to elect Lioneld Jordan mayor of Fayetteville.
Aubrey James Shepherd
Fayetteville, Arkansas
In the general election, Lioneld Jordan got votes from people from all political parties. Independence of thought and freedom from prejudice are two important qualities people admire about Lioneld Jordan.
Some said they follow city-government meetings on Government Channel and respect Lioneld for his work in eight years of City Council, committee and ward meetings.
Several said his work for neighborhoods made them trust him more than any other official.
Others said they met Lioneld years ago and respected his integrity in private life. Some said they had worked with him and recognized his consistently good judgment and kindness as he rose to a supervisory management position.
Some city workers have said privately that after years of interaction with Lioneld they felt more comfortable working with him than with any other elected official.
People who care about the fertile soil, clean air and water, trees, tall-grass prairie, wildlife, streams and all things living in Fayetteville said they voted for Lionel because of his consistent support of trails and parks and especially his voting to protect Wilson Spring and to create World Peace Wetland Prairie.
Some people said they voted for Jordan because of his support of well-planned developments and because he invites developers to his Ward Four meetings to interact with constituents BEFORE developers commit to projects with flaws easily recognized by people who live near the projects.
Most important is that many long-time Fayetteville residents recognize that Lioneld is dedicated to improving life for everyone in our city, regardless of economic status. He is a working man who reads constantly, listens to everyone and learns every day.
Early voting begins November 18 at the Washington County Courthouse. The county Website lists polling places for runoff election day, November 25.
Please vote to elect Lioneld Jordan mayor of Fayetteville.
Aubrey James Shepherd
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Marsha Melnichak's passing leaves an empty spot in the hearts of Fayetteville residents
Please click on image to ENLARGE photo of Marsha Melnichak (right) and friends visiting the Fayetteville Farmer's Market on October 25, 2008.

Marsha Melnichak died in her sleep Thursday night November 20, 2008, or early this morning, at Washington Regional Hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I was told.
Having visited her Wednesday night at the hospital, I knew her time was short. During the meeting of the Telecommunication Board on Tuesday night, several people spoke off camera of their sadness that she would likely never again attend such meetings and report on them with her clear sense of reality and highly developed ability to sort through the chaff and find the significant points of such city meetings. She earned universal respect from city workers, public officials and area residents who read her news stories.
Few people reach Marsha's high level of competence and integrity in reporting the news.
She covered the beginning of the mayoral campaign well, and it was clear in brief conversations in the weeks since she found herself unable to work that one of her concerns was not being able to continue her work and be on hand next Tuesday to report on the final chapter.
Maybe she realized that she would not be with us by this time. Most of us did not.
Her absence should be a reminder that, whatever goals we set, pursuing them with honesty, good humor and grace is as important as the result.
Marsha Melnichak died in her sleep Thursday night November 20, 2008, or early this morning, at Washington Regional Hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I was told.
Having visited her Wednesday night at the hospital, I knew her time was short. During the meeting of the Telecommunication Board on Tuesday night, several people spoke off camera of their sadness that she would likely never again attend such meetings and report on them with her clear sense of reality and highly developed ability to sort through the chaff and find the significant points of such city meetings. She earned universal respect from city workers, public officials and area residents who read her news stories.
Few people reach Marsha's high level of competence and integrity in reporting the news.
She covered the beginning of the mayoral campaign well, and it was clear in brief conversations in the weeks since she found herself unable to work that one of her concerns was not being able to continue her work and be on hand next Tuesday to report on the final chapter.
Maybe she realized that she would not be with us by this time. Most of us did not.
Her absence should be a reminder that, whatever goals we set, pursuing them with honesty, good humor and grace is as important as the result.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Steve Clark's endorsement of Lioneld Jordan on Google video
Please click the "play" arrow to view video of Steve Clark endorsing Lioneld Jordan.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Steve Clark endorses Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Please click image to enlarge view of Steve Clark as he announces his support for Lioneld Jordan and Alderman Jordan applauding.
Former Arkansas Attorney General Clark finished third in the race for mayor in a six-person field of candidates during the general election. Jordan is in a runoff with the incumbent mayor for the highest office in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Early voting has begun at the Washington County Courthouse and is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Monday will be the final day to vote early at the courthouse and runoff election day is Tuesday, November 25 at regular polling places in Fayetteville.
Former Arkansas Attorney General Clark finished third in the race for mayor in a six-person field of candidates during the general election. Jordan is in a runoff with the incumbent mayor for the highest office in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Early voting has begun at the Washington County Courthouse and is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Monday will be the final day to vote early at the courthouse and runoff election day is Tuesday, November 25 at regular polling places in Fayetteville.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette endorses Lioneld Jordan in the runoff for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
EDITORIALS : Still for Lioneld Jordan
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition
Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2008
conscientious alderman, is in a run-off for
mayor of Fayetteville. He’s trying to unseat Dan Coody, the two-term incumbent who’s seeking a third term. Mr. Jordan was our choice in the general election earlier this month. He remains our choice in Tuesday’s run-off.
Lioneld Jordan has much to recommend him. In his eight years as alderman, he’s never missed a city council meeting. He’s held monthly meetings in his ward to stay in touch with those who elected him to the city council. Known for his open approach, he listens to all. Even when he disagrees, he’s straightforward enough to explain why. He takes the time to master the difficult issues that come before a city council, and he’s been willing to admit he was wrong when he’s decided to change his mind.
He’s in a tough runoff. His opponent, Mayor Coody, has been a fixture in Fayetteville politics for many years, long predating his first election as mayor in 2000. And the mayor has got lots of supporters to show for it. But his opponent in this runoff has put together a notable coalition in his campaign to become Fayetteville’s next mayor. Mr. Jordan has won the endorsements of Fayetteville’s police officers and firefighters, as well as that of the Sierra Club and the local Green Party. In addition, three other candidates for mayor in the general election have now offered their support to him.
Mayor Coody has had his share of difficulties over the years. He bears ultimate responsibility for the $ 60-million-plus cost overrun for the expansion of the city’s wastewater system. The project came in three years late and had to be rescued with an increase in the city sales tax. He pushed hard for putting up a big hotelplus-condo at the site of the old Mountain Inn. But it has yet to materialize. Instead, the city has gotten a parking lot on the site.
The mayor has also disappointed with his heavy-handed take-over of the city’s Government Channel, which resulted in the cancellation of its public opinion forums. Those forums had been a popular way to provide non-partisan information about issues of interest to anyone who lives in Fayetteville.
Nobody expects Lioneld Jordan to do everything right if he’s elected mayor. But the city can be confident he’ll approach city government with a willingness to hear all sides and take all opinions into account before making the decision he believes is best for Fayetteville. He’s shown commendable openness in his years as an alderman. Based on his record, voters can expect the same from him as mayor. Which is why we’re endorsing him—again.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Six fire departments put out fire started by neighbor's brush burning
EDITORIALS : Still for Lioneld Jordan
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition
Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2008
conscientious alderman, is in a run-off for
mayor of Fayetteville. He’s trying to unseat Dan Coody, the two-term incumbent who’s seeking a third term. Mr. Jordan was our choice in the general election earlier this month. He remains our choice in Tuesday’s run-off.
Lioneld Jordan has much to recommend him. In his eight years as alderman, he’s never missed a city council meeting. He’s held monthly meetings in his ward to stay in touch with those who elected him to the city council. Known for his open approach, he listens to all. Even when he disagrees, he’s straightforward enough to explain why. He takes the time to master the difficult issues that come before a city council, and he’s been willing to admit he was wrong when he’s decided to change his mind.
He’s in a tough runoff. His opponent, Mayor Coody, has been a fixture in Fayetteville politics for many years, long predating his first election as mayor in 2000. And the mayor has got lots of supporters to show for it. But his opponent in this runoff has put together a notable coalition in his campaign to become Fayetteville’s next mayor. Mr. Jordan has won the endorsements of Fayetteville’s police officers and firefighters, as well as that of the Sierra Club and the local Green Party. In addition, three other candidates for mayor in the general election have now offered their support to him.
Mayor Coody has had his share of difficulties over the years. He bears ultimate responsibility for the $ 60-million-plus cost overrun for the expansion of the city’s wastewater system. The project came in three years late and had to be rescued with an increase in the city sales tax. He pushed hard for putting up a big hotelplus-condo at the site of the old Mountain Inn. But it has yet to materialize. Instead, the city has gotten a parking lot on the site.
The mayor has also disappointed with his heavy-handed take-over of the city’s Government Channel, which resulted in the cancellation of its public opinion forums. Those forums had been a popular way to provide non-partisan information about issues of interest to anyone who lives in Fayetteville.
Nobody expects Lioneld Jordan to do everything right if he’s elected mayor. But the city can be confident he’ll approach city government with a willingness to hear all sides and take all opinions into account before making the decision he believes is best for Fayetteville. He’s shown commendable openness in his years as an alderman. Based on his record, voters can expect the same from him as mayor. Which is why we’re endorsing him—again.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Monday, November 17, 2008
November 17, 2008, mayoral debate in The Morning News
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of laptop view of video being recorded during the November 17, 2008, debate between Dan Coody and Lioneld Jordan sponsored by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce at the UA Continuing Education Center.ñ

The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Mayoral Candidates Trade Quips
By Skip Descant
FAYETTEVILLE -- If elected, Lioneld Jordan aims to have an economic development plan within 90 days of taking office as Fayetteville's next mayor.
"After eight years we still do not have an economic development plan for this city. And that needs to change," Jordan told a nearly packed auditorium Monday night during a mayoral debate between Jordan -- a council member -- and incumbent Mayor Dan Coody. The debate was sponsored by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce.
The discussion followed eight topics as diverse as growing collegiality on the council to how to mange building impact fees to how to "Keep Fayetteville Funky."
Coody, in his own calm style, spent much of his time explaining various aspects of the last eight years and the vision he holds for the future.
"We've worked to rebuild infrastructure. We're rebuilding the very basics on what you can build economic development," Coody said.
Jordan, who at times sliced the air with his hand to get his point across, reiterated many past segments of his stump speech, such as growing job training and being a better manager of the public's money.
"I don't plan on bringing a millage increase in 2009," Jordan said. "If I'm elected mayor of this city, we will have a balanced budget."
Coody also did not propose a millage increase, but his proposed budget dips into the city's reserve funds.
But when the evening's final question came up -- how to fund cost of living raises for city staff -- Jordan, a union member, reiterated that he does not plan to unionize the city work force.
"If I wanted to unionize this city, I've had eight years, and I never did it," he told the room flatly.
The issue was raised at the last debate and Coody stoked that fire a little further when he recalled a prior conversation he says he'd had with Jordan.
"He (Jordan) did say that if he had the chance, that he would unionize this city so fast it would make my head spin," Coody said.
Jordan denied the accusation, adding that if he did say something to that effect, it was an off-the-cuff joke.
"Let me tell you, I didn't come to unionize this city," Jordan said, and added, any such move would require City Council approval.
But the two men also quipped back and forth around economic development, even though both want to grow green-tech jobs. But Jordan wants to see less dragging of feet and fewer "outside consultants" brought in.
"I'm ready to hear from the business community of this city," Jordan said, subtly hinting at one the main themes of his campaign -- communication.
"And set down and hammer out an economic plan that will protect the businesses that we have and move this city forward," he added. Though Jordan did not offer any specifics to what that plan might include.
"This city needs to move forward economically, and we have not had a plan in eight years," Jordan continued.
"Sounds easy doesn't it?" said Coody, who then went on to call this approach "unrealistic."
"It is not 'unrealistic,'" Jordan said. "It takes attitude."
Coody then embarked on a his own dossier of his work with the Fayetteville Economic Development Council and the recent economic development strategy planning session the city held jointly with the university by bringing in Eve Klein and Associates, an economic development consulting firm.
And it would be almost impossible in this election to not touch on the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, which upon completion, was three years behind schedule and ended up costing some $60 million more than planned. Coody has half-heartedly taken the blame for the debacle, but adds that part of the problem was his office not having all the information regarding how wrongly the project was heading.
"If there's going to be a project going out of whack, I'm going to know about it and the people will know about it," Jordan said. "The buck always stops at the mayor's office, and when I'm mayor, the buck will stop with me."
"The reason the buck stops with me, is because everybody gets to pass it," Coody said.
The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Mayoral Candidates Trade Quips
By Skip Descant
FAYETTEVILLE -- If elected, Lioneld Jordan aims to have an economic development plan within 90 days of taking office as Fayetteville's next mayor.
"After eight years we still do not have an economic development plan for this city. And that needs to change," Jordan told a nearly packed auditorium Monday night during a mayoral debate between Jordan -- a council member -- and incumbent Mayor Dan Coody. The debate was sponsored by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce.
The discussion followed eight topics as diverse as growing collegiality on the council to how to mange building impact fees to how to "Keep Fayetteville Funky."
Coody, in his own calm style, spent much of his time explaining various aspects of the last eight years and the vision he holds for the future.
"We've worked to rebuild infrastructure. We're rebuilding the very basics on what you can build economic development," Coody said.
Jordan, who at times sliced the air with his hand to get his point across, reiterated many past segments of his stump speech, such as growing job training and being a better manager of the public's money.
"I don't plan on bringing a millage increase in 2009," Jordan said. "If I'm elected mayor of this city, we will have a balanced budget."
Coody also did not propose a millage increase, but his proposed budget dips into the city's reserve funds.
But when the evening's final question came up -- how to fund cost of living raises for city staff -- Jordan, a union member, reiterated that he does not plan to unionize the city work force.
"If I wanted to unionize this city, I've had eight years, and I never did it," he told the room flatly.
The issue was raised at the last debate and Coody stoked that fire a little further when he recalled a prior conversation he says he'd had with Jordan.
"He (Jordan) did say that if he had the chance, that he would unionize this city so fast it would make my head spin," Coody said.
Jordan denied the accusation, adding that if he did say something to that effect, it was an off-the-cuff joke.
"Let me tell you, I didn't come to unionize this city," Jordan said, and added, any such move would require City Council approval.
But the two men also quipped back and forth around economic development, even though both want to grow green-tech jobs. But Jordan wants to see less dragging of feet and fewer "outside consultants" brought in.
"I'm ready to hear from the business community of this city," Jordan said, subtly hinting at one the main themes of his campaign -- communication.
"And set down and hammer out an economic plan that will protect the businesses that we have and move this city forward," he added. Though Jordan did not offer any specifics to what that plan might include.
"This city needs to move forward economically, and we have not had a plan in eight years," Jordan continued.
"Sounds easy doesn't it?" said Coody, who then went on to call this approach "unrealistic."
"It is not 'unrealistic,'" Jordan said. "It takes attitude."
Coody then embarked on a his own dossier of his work with the Fayetteville Economic Development Council and the recent economic development strategy planning session the city held jointly with the university by bringing in Eve Klein and Associates, an economic development consulting firm.
And it would be almost impossible in this election to not touch on the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, which upon completion, was three years behind schedule and ended up costing some $60 million more than planned. Coody has half-heartedly taken the blame for the debacle, but adds that part of the problem was his office not having all the information regarding how wrongly the project was heading.
"If there's going to be a project going out of whack, I'm going to know about it and the people will know about it," Jordan said. "The buck always stops at the mayor's office, and when I'm mayor, the buck will stop with me."
"The reason the buck stops with me, is because everybody gets to pass it," Coody said.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Richard Drake's letter to the Morning News online
Bottled Water At City Hall
With all the debate about Mayor Dan Coody’s accomplishments in office, the Great Bottled Water War should never be far from anyone’s mind. On June 12, with great public fanfare, Dan announced that not only would there be no more bottled water in City Hall machines, but that the city would no longer use public funds to buy bottled water.
This, of course, is just going along the lines of a much larger trend. Dan was hailed as a true friend to the environment.
Like other (foul-ups) in City Hall, we can all understand that, hey, it’s not Dan’s fault that those pesky machines never actually stopped stocking bottled water until some months later. That the water only seemed to be removed abruptly after several local bloggers took delight in calling attention to it is just some sort of cosmic coincidence.
I think we all understand how the universe sometimes conspires against Dan.
A little harder to explain might be Dan’s performance when he spoke to the U.S. Conference of Mayors a few months ago, and informed the crowd that Fayetteville had discontinued the use of bottled water several years ago.
Several years ago? Was there some sort of time travel involved here? Was Future Dan telling the present of Fayetteville’s glorious future — under his continuing leadership, of course?
Or was Dan — who was also co-chair of the Conference’s Water Council — stretching the truth to make himself seem just a little bit cooler in the eyes of his fellow mayors?
Oh, Dan, do you think that nobody in Fayetteville knows how to use the Internet, and can read what you tell folks when you are out of town?
Richard S. Drake
With all the debate about Mayor Dan Coody’s accomplishments in office, the Great Bottled Water War should never be far from anyone’s mind. On June 12, with great public fanfare, Dan announced that not only would there be no more bottled water in City Hall machines, but that the city would no longer use public funds to buy bottled water.
This, of course, is just going along the lines of a much larger trend. Dan was hailed as a true friend to the environment.
Like other (foul-ups) in City Hall, we can all understand that, hey, it’s not Dan’s fault that those pesky machines never actually stopped stocking bottled water until some months later. That the water only seemed to be removed abruptly after several local bloggers took delight in calling attention to it is just some sort of cosmic coincidence.
I think we all understand how the universe sometimes conspires against Dan.
A little harder to explain might be Dan’s performance when he spoke to the U.S. Conference of Mayors a few months ago, and informed the crowd that Fayetteville had discontinued the use of bottled water several years ago.
Several years ago? Was there some sort of time travel involved here? Was Future Dan telling the present of Fayetteville’s glorious future — under his continuing leadership, of course?
Or was Dan — who was also co-chair of the Conference’s Water Council — stretching the truth to make himself seem just a little bit cooler in the eyes of his fellow mayors?
Oh, Dan, do you think that nobody in Fayetteville knows how to use the Internet, and can read what you tell folks when you are out of town?
Richard S. Drake
Lioneld jordan seeks others' views
Jordan seeks others ’ views
Many people have asked me why I support Lioneld Jordan over Dan Coody in Fayetteville’s mayoral race. “ After all, ” they say, “ Mayor Coody has done a lot of good things for Fayetteville. ”
I never contest a person’s claim that our current mayor has accomplished some good things for Fayetteville. I know that he has. Additionally, I realize that there is no one whose decisions I am going to agree with all of the time. Instead, I simply relate an experience that I had some time ago. It speaks for itself and I would like to tell that story here, with the hope that the reader will understand that I harbor no anger or malice toward Mayor Coody. The following experience does explain however, why I do not support his bid for a third term as mayor.
Several years ago, one of the hotly contested issues facing Fayetteville citizens concerned the fate of some wetlands on the northwest side of town known as Wilson Springs. On one warm summer evening, the Green Party of Washington County held a forum on the issue at the pavilion in Agri Park. Several speakers had been scheduled to give presentations that evening. To be honest, these pretty much supported the Green Party’s position on the issue. Mayor Coody and some members of the City Council attended the event. I was the moderator for the evening.
In my opinion, one of those giving a presentation that evening was being extremely critical of Mr. Coody and his point of view. Although I did not agree with the mayor’s position, and although he was not a scheduled speaker, I approached him and offered an opportunity for rebuttal; I felt that it was only fair. My offer was accepted graciously, and Mayor Coody had his time before the audience.
Between one and three weeks later, I found myself in Room 111 at City Hall. If I remember correctly, the occasion was a Ward 4 meeting. Once again, the theme concerned Wilson Springs, and it was Mayor Coody this time that was fielding the questions and comments. Several citizens were called upon to offer their comments; yet, although my hand was raised politely throughout this question-and-answer period, I was never given an opportunity to speak. Mayor Coody already understood that my opinions on this issue conflicted with his. I left the meeting feeling as though my voice was denied because of that difference of opinion.
Through relating this experience to various people, I have found other Fayetteville residents that have told me of their own similar experiences with the incumbent mayor; that is, whenever their opinions had differed from his.
Lioneld Jordan, however, not only listens to his constituents, but he actually solicits their viewpoints. Further, after making a decision, Lioneld is always open to discussing it with anyone. That’s the way it should be. For all of the above reasons then, I am asking Fayetteville voters to support Lioneld Jordan in the Nov. 25 runoff election.
Al Vick
Many people have asked me why I support Lioneld Jordan over Dan Coody in Fayetteville’s mayoral race. “ After all, ” they say, “ Mayor Coody has done a lot of good things for Fayetteville. ”
I never contest a person’s claim that our current mayor has accomplished some good things for Fayetteville. I know that he has. Additionally, I realize that there is no one whose decisions I am going to agree with all of the time. Instead, I simply relate an experience that I had some time ago. It speaks for itself and I would like to tell that story here, with the hope that the reader will understand that I harbor no anger or malice toward Mayor Coody. The following experience does explain however, why I do not support his bid for a third term as mayor.
Several years ago, one of the hotly contested issues facing Fayetteville citizens concerned the fate of some wetlands on the northwest side of town known as Wilson Springs. On one warm summer evening, the Green Party of Washington County held a forum on the issue at the pavilion in Agri Park. Several speakers had been scheduled to give presentations that evening. To be honest, these pretty much supported the Green Party’s position on the issue. Mayor Coody and some members of the City Council attended the event. I was the moderator for the evening.
In my opinion, one of those giving a presentation that evening was being extremely critical of Mr. Coody and his point of view. Although I did not agree with the mayor’s position, and although he was not a scheduled speaker, I approached him and offered an opportunity for rebuttal; I felt that it was only fair. My offer was accepted graciously, and Mayor Coody had his time before the audience.
Between one and three weeks later, I found myself in Room 111 at City Hall. If I remember correctly, the occasion was a Ward 4 meeting. Once again, the theme concerned Wilson Springs, and it was Mayor Coody this time that was fielding the questions and comments. Several citizens were called upon to offer their comments; yet, although my hand was raised politely throughout this question-and-answer period, I was never given an opportunity to speak. Mayor Coody already understood that my opinions on this issue conflicted with his. I left the meeting feeling as though my voice was denied because of that difference of opinion.
Through relating this experience to various people, I have found other Fayetteville residents that have told me of their own similar experiences with the incumbent mayor; that is, whenever their opinions had differed from his.
Lioneld Jordan, however, not only listens to his constituents, but he actually solicits their viewpoints. Further, after making a decision, Lioneld is always open to discussing it with anyone. That’s the way it should be. For all of the above reasons then, I am asking Fayetteville voters to support Lioneld Jordan in the Nov. 25 runoff election.
Al Vick
Letters supporting Lioneld Jordan on November 16, 2008
Letters to the editor
Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jordan can be trusted
Early voting for the mayoral runoff election begins on Nov. 18, and Election Day is Nov. 25. I urge you to get out and vote and, when you do, to vote for Lioneld Jordan. Here are three of the many reasons why I will be voting for Lioneld: 1. We need a mayor who believes in balancing the city budget and living within our city income. Last year, it fell to Vice Mayor Jordan to lead the City Council through this difficult task while the mayor was off in Europe doing other things. This year, Jordan joined the Council in passing a resolution directing the mayor to submit a balanced budget, which the mayor refused to do. Lioneld will not need that kind of direction. 2. We need a mayor who believes in closely monitoring large multi-million dollar city projects right from the beginning, not after they have fallen years behind schedule and are running millions of dollars over budget. Contrast the initial mismanagement of the sewer and trails projects by the Streets Committee under Lioneld Jordan’s chairmanship. 3. We need a mayor who not only believes in regular two-way communication with the people, but actually practices it. Contrast Lioneld’s 110 face-to-face Ward 4 and other meetings with the number of such appearances by our mayor over the past eight years. Again, please get out and vote during this runoff, and when you do please remember: Lioneld Jordan — Experience You Can Trust !
William A. Moeller
Incumbent’s campaign disappoints
The Sunday, Nov. 9, Northwest Arkansas Times illustrates strongly why Lioneld Jordan should be Fayetteville’s next mayor. In the article about the runoff race, incumbent Mayor Coody disappoints, but hardly surprises me, by resorting to the politics of fear to down Mr. Jordan. Coody uses the buzzwords “ union, ” the Wal-Mart bogeyman, and “ radical, ” which actually translates as from the roots, to frighten people worried about the city budget. Check the record. Mr. Jordan has certainly had a grassroots campaign, but he has never proposed unionizing city employees. It is Coody who defied the elected city council’s directive to present a balanced budget. Dr. Nick Brown, in a letter the same day, eloquently defines “ sustainability, ” one of Coody’s favorite terms, as including social justice. I believe that if the mayor treats city employees well, they will not need to unionize; the fact that two of the largest, most visible and most depended-upon groups of city employees, namely our firefighters and police, support Lioneld Jordan speaks volumes. As mayor, Lioneld will not throw away money on fancy consultants, when we have plenty of expertise here in town. How difficult can it be for the mayor to put the UAF chancellor on speed-dial ? Lioneld will not direct the city attorney to fight a private howeowner over a sewage mishap, when simply fixing the problem would cost less than 10 percent of the eventual legal bills and settlement. Lioneld has learned that illconceived real estate dealing, such as the Mountain Inn / TIF fiasco, the Wilson Springs purchase, and the Tyson Building saga, are budget drains and not economic salvations. Join with me to return our city to the citizens. Vote for Lioneld Jordan Nov. 25.
Rick Belt
Regarding the runoff
Although two of Lioneld Jordan’s former mayoral opponents (Eilers, Fire Cat ) have now endorsed Jordan, his runoff opponent informs us that the “ dynamic of the campaign will change as mayoral forums allow more time for two candidates to answer questions than was possible with six. ” (Northwest Arkansas Times, Nov. 6 ) Jordan’s opponent asserts that the more “ in-depth ” answers provided in debates will allow voters to “ delve more deeply into issues and public records and history of leadership ” However, those of us who’ve long appreciated Lioneld Jordan’s leadership in Ward 4 and as vice mayor are sure that Lioneld has already outlined the best long-term approaches for Fayetteville’s future development. His mayoral platform and track record build on proven experience, hard work and accountability, rather than rhetoric. And his strong backing and endorsements by Fayetteville’s police and firemen and the Sierra Club, clearly affirm his competence and leadership skill, as well as his working knowledge of how the city operates. Thus we can agree that debates between the two candidates will allow Fayetteville voters to delve into the deeper needs of our community and to judge the two candidates’ respective track records over the past eight years. And we’re certain that voters will agree with us — and his former opponents — that Lioneld Jordan is our best “ in-depth ” candidate to lead the city staff and City Council toward a sustainable, economically-sound future for all of Fayetteville. His honesty and hard work have earned our trust and yours. Please join us in voting for Lioneld Jordan on Nov. 25 — or better yet, vote early, beginning Nov. 18.
Jim Bemis
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jordan can be trusted
Early voting for the mayoral runoff election begins on Nov. 18, and Election Day is Nov. 25. I urge you to get out and vote and, when you do, to vote for Lioneld Jordan. Here are three of the many reasons why I will be voting for Lioneld: 1. We need a mayor who believes in balancing the city budget and living within our city income. Last year, it fell to Vice Mayor Jordan to lead the City Council through this difficult task while the mayor was off in Europe doing other things. This year, Jordan joined the Council in passing a resolution directing the mayor to submit a balanced budget, which the mayor refused to do. Lioneld will not need that kind of direction. 2. We need a mayor who believes in closely monitoring large multi-million dollar city projects right from the beginning, not after they have fallen years behind schedule and are running millions of dollars over budget. Contrast the initial mismanagement of the sewer and trails projects by the Streets Committee under Lioneld Jordan’s chairmanship. 3. We need a mayor who not only believes in regular two-way communication with the people, but actually practices it. Contrast Lioneld’s 110 face-to-face Ward 4 and other meetings with the number of such appearances by our mayor over the past eight years. Again, please get out and vote during this runoff, and when you do please remember: Lioneld Jordan — Experience You Can Trust !
William A. Moeller
Incumbent’s campaign disappoints
The Sunday, Nov. 9, Northwest Arkansas Times illustrates strongly why Lioneld Jordan should be Fayetteville’s next mayor. In the article about the runoff race, incumbent Mayor Coody disappoints, but hardly surprises me, by resorting to the politics of fear to down Mr. Jordan. Coody uses the buzzwords “ union, ” the Wal-Mart bogeyman, and “ radical, ” which actually translates as from the roots, to frighten people worried about the city budget. Check the record. Mr. Jordan has certainly had a grassroots campaign, but he has never proposed unionizing city employees. It is Coody who defied the elected city council’s directive to present a balanced budget. Dr. Nick Brown, in a letter the same day, eloquently defines “ sustainability, ” one of Coody’s favorite terms, as including social justice. I believe that if the mayor treats city employees well, they will not need to unionize; the fact that two of the largest, most visible and most depended-upon groups of city employees, namely our firefighters and police, support Lioneld Jordan speaks volumes. As mayor, Lioneld will not throw away money on fancy consultants, when we have plenty of expertise here in town. How difficult can it be for the mayor to put the UAF chancellor on speed-dial ? Lioneld will not direct the city attorney to fight a private howeowner over a sewage mishap, when simply fixing the problem would cost less than 10 percent of the eventual legal bills and settlement. Lioneld has learned that illconceived real estate dealing, such as the Mountain Inn / TIF fiasco, the Wilson Springs purchase, and the Tyson Building saga, are budget drains and not economic salvations. Join with me to return our city to the citizens. Vote for Lioneld Jordan Nov. 25.
Rick Belt
Regarding the runoff
Although two of Lioneld Jordan’s former mayoral opponents (Eilers, Fire Cat ) have now endorsed Jordan, his runoff opponent informs us that the “ dynamic of the campaign will change as mayoral forums allow more time for two candidates to answer questions than was possible with six. ” (Northwest Arkansas Times, Nov. 6 ) Jordan’s opponent asserts that the more “ in-depth ” answers provided in debates will allow voters to “ delve more deeply into issues and public records and history of leadership ” However, those of us who’ve long appreciated Lioneld Jordan’s leadership in Ward 4 and as vice mayor are sure that Lioneld has already outlined the best long-term approaches for Fayetteville’s future development. His mayoral platform and track record build on proven experience, hard work and accountability, rather than rhetoric. And his strong backing and endorsements by Fayetteville’s police and firemen and the Sierra Club, clearly affirm his competence and leadership skill, as well as his working knowledge of how the city operates. Thus we can agree that debates between the two candidates will allow Fayetteville voters to delve into the deeper needs of our community and to judge the two candidates’ respective track records over the past eight years. And we’re certain that voters will agree with us — and his former opponents — that Lioneld Jordan is our best “ in-depth ” candidate to lead the city staff and City Council toward a sustainable, economically-sound future for all of Fayetteville. His honesty and hard work have earned our trust and yours. Please join us in voting for Lioneld Jordan on Nov. 25 — or better yet, vote early, beginning Nov. 18.
Jim Bemis
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Melissa Terry explains why she supports Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Why I support Lioneld Jordan
In the 10 years I've know him, Lioneld Jordan has consistently been the kind of leader who lets the facts speak for themselves. When we organized the first Scull Creek Clean Up, Lioneld came and worked with us all day pulling tons of trash out of that creek, whereas others showed up only in time for press opportunities. Additionally, when the question came to the city council about ways we can improve our city's recycling program, Lioneld Jordan is the only elected person who ever came out and did a day's work with our awesome recycling crew to see what really needs to be done to improve our current waste reduction program. Lioneld's the kind of guy whose principles are his politics, rather than the other way around. He can bring diverse points of view to tough issues and not burn bridges along the way, as evidenced by the fact that he enjoys the same supporters today as when he ran for office eight years ago. This consistent support base is because Lioneld Jordan understands how to treat people with the respect of an individual and the professionalism of a leader.
Most importantly, Lioneld's a dad. In few other forums are your powers of diplomacy more tested or more tried. He's brought up four children on a state employee's salary for 26 years, so we know he understands about managing a budget.
As an example of making the most of a limited budget, Lioneld had a third the amount of his primary opposition's campaign budget, yet he still managed to wage a successful campaign. Additionally, he garnered the support of both the Fayetteville Police Department and the Fayetteville Fire Department. These are people we trust with making lifechanging decisions and their endorsements are a decisive call for new leadership. The Sierra Club's endorsement also shows that Lioneld can work with our vibrant conservation community to ensure that Fayetteville's local economy and ecology thrive together.
Lioneld can help lead Fayetteville toward being a training hub for the emerging green collar economy by working with technologies incubating at the Genesis Center and by forming a working partnership with John Brown University's Renewable Energy degree program. Building a bridge between these partnerships and service programs like CityYear, AmeriCorps and VISTA can help our community grow more sustainable - without draining our coffers.
And, most importantly, I support Lioneld Jordan because I like him. What he says to your face is what he says behind your back. When he tells you that he supports your program, cause or concern, he actually does. When he doesn't like your position, he tells you. As a downtown property owner, a transparent city government that stands on principles rather than politics sounds pretty good to me. I encourage you to support Lioneld Jordan.
Melissa Terry / Fayetteville
In the 10 years I've know him, Lioneld Jordan has consistently been the kind of leader who lets the facts speak for themselves. When we organized the first Scull Creek Clean Up, Lioneld came and worked with us all day pulling tons of trash out of that creek, whereas others showed up only in time for press opportunities. Additionally, when the question came to the city council about ways we can improve our city's recycling program, Lioneld Jordan is the only elected person who ever came out and did a day's work with our awesome recycling crew to see what really needs to be done to improve our current waste reduction program. Lioneld's the kind of guy whose principles are his politics, rather than the other way around. He can bring diverse points of view to tough issues and not burn bridges along the way, as evidenced by the fact that he enjoys the same supporters today as when he ran for office eight years ago. This consistent support base is because Lioneld Jordan understands how to treat people with the respect of an individual and the professionalism of a leader.
Most importantly, Lioneld's a dad. In few other forums are your powers of diplomacy more tested or more tried. He's brought up four children on a state employee's salary for 26 years, so we know he understands about managing a budget.
As an example of making the most of a limited budget, Lioneld had a third the amount of his primary opposition's campaign budget, yet he still managed to wage a successful campaign. Additionally, he garnered the support of both the Fayetteville Police Department and the Fayetteville Fire Department. These are people we trust with making lifechanging decisions and their endorsements are a decisive call for new leadership. The Sierra Club's endorsement also shows that Lioneld can work with our vibrant conservation community to ensure that Fayetteville's local economy and ecology thrive together.
Lioneld can help lead Fayetteville toward being a training hub for the emerging green collar economy by working with technologies incubating at the Genesis Center and by forming a working partnership with John Brown University's Renewable Energy degree program. Building a bridge between these partnerships and service programs like CityYear, AmeriCorps and VISTA can help our community grow more sustainable - without draining our coffers.
And, most importantly, I support Lioneld Jordan because I like him. What he says to your face is what he says behind your back. When he tells you that he supports your program, cause or concern, he actually does. When he doesn't like your position, he tells you. As a downtown property owner, a transparent city government that stands on principles rather than politics sounds pretty good to me. I encourage you to support Lioneld Jordan.
Melissa Terry / Fayetteville
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Candidates Eilers and Fire Cat joined by State Rep. Smith in endorsing Lioneld Jordan for mayor, Northwest Arkansas Times reports
Eilers endorses Jordan for mayor
Ward 4 alderman also gets nod from State Rep. Smith
BY KATE WARD Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Two former Fayetteville mayoral candidates pledged their support for Lioneld Jordan on Saturday at the Fayetteville Square.
Walt Eilers and Adam Fire Cat urged area residents to vote for Jordan during the upcoming runoff election Nov. 25 against Fayetteville Mayor Dan Coody. Fayetteville police also expressed their support by wearing T-shirts with Jordan’s name across the front.
“ He’s been my friend and my competitor for a long time, ” Eilers said. “ He has the sort of skills and experience that will help Fayetteville move forward, and I will do whatever I can to help. ”
Eilers listed Jordan’s people skills and experience as reasons why voters should choose him for Fayetteville mayor. He added that Jordan’s support for dog parks, economic development and recycling are in line with his own goals for the city.
Fire Cat, dressed in a black and white suit, said Jordan would do a better job of balancing the city’s budget.
“ There’s this illusion that everyone is at war, ” he said. “ We’re not at war with each other; we’re at war with concepts. While [Jordan ] may never agree with me on ordinances, we do believe in a balanced budget. The city has incurred a massive debt. As far as I’m concerned, numbers are black and white. ”
Fire Cat also delivered an endorsement for Jordan from Sami Sutton, another former mayoral candidate who was unable to attend the announcement.
“ It’s been a long campaign, and we’ll have to continue to have good, solid support, ” Jordan said. “ These gentlemen ran a good, clean solid race, and now we have to keep pushing forward. ”
Following the announcement, Coody said he expected the former candidates to endorse Jordan but urged voters not to be swayed.
“ I know Lioneld would make a radical change in direction that I don’t think would be positive for the city, ” he said.
Coody said he thinks the city’s fire and police departments will likely become unionized if Jordan is elected. The city of Fayetteville must maintain control of its own taxes, revenue and budget, he said.
“ If police and fire unionize, they’ll have the ability to do collective bargaining, ” he said. “ It would eventually have to extend to all 730 city employees. We don’t want to take the lead of so many other cities that are declaring bankruptcy to meet union demands. ”
Jordan refuted the mayor’s claims, saying he has no intention of unionizing the city.
“ I’ve been on City Council for eight years. I’ve never brought any labor legislation forward, and I don’t intend to, ” he said. “ I’m not running for mayor to unionize the city; I’m running for mayor to properly manage the city, which is what it needs right now. ”
Also following the Square announcement, State Rep. Lindsley Smith of Fayetteville declared her support for Jordan via e-mail.
“ I know from personal experience that (Jordan ) cares deeply about the interests of his constituents and has demonstrated a commitment to be a problem solver, cutting through red tape and getting it fixed, ” Smith wrote. “ I have been especially impressed with his effort to cut wasteful spending and be a good steward of our tax dollars.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Morning News reports that Walt Eilers endorses Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Walt Eilers and Lioneld Jordan after Eilers threw his support to Lioneld Jordan in the runoff for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Mayoral Candidate Gets Backing of Former Opponents
By Charles Huggins
The Morning News
FAYETTEVILLE -- Hoping for a last-minute push in the final leg of the mayor’s race, current Alderman Lioneld Jordan announced Saturday morning he has cultivated the support of two former candidates.
Supporters gathered at the Washington Square to hear Walt Eilers throw his weight and 2,189 votes to Jordan before the Nov. 25 run-off election.
“Lioneld has the set of skills to help the city move forward,” Eilers told the crowd. “I encourage you to help him out.”
That set of skills includes having good communication skills, knowing how city government works without micromanaging, and having a good working relationship with the City Council, Eilers said.
Former candidate Adam Fire Cat, donned in a half-black, half-white tuxedo, brought his off-beat but straightforward perspective with his endorsement of Jordan.
Fire Cat agrees with Jordan’s philosophy of fiscal responsibility and operating a balanced city budget, he said.
“To me, numbers are black and white,” Fire Cat said, drawing a chuckle from the crowd.
Jordan stumped on having a better relationship with the City Council than Coody, and said as mayor he would hold townhall meetings for each ward to give residents more participation in their government.
“This whole campaign has been about two words: The people,” Jordan said following the announcement.
Having the support of Eilers and Fire Cat could be what Jordan needs to put him over the top, Jordan said. Coody received 9,806 votes, or 37 percent, in the Nov. 4 general election, and Jordan received 7,380 votes, or 28 percent.
Coody agreed the race is about the citizens, but said, “It’s also about how to best bring about change based on the public input. There’s a long track record with me to prove that.”
Coody contested the claim that Jordan has a better relationship with aldermen than he does.
“We got 99 percent of everything passed,” Coody said. “We get along fine.”
Early voting begins on Nov. 18 through Nov. 24, with the run-off election on Nov. 25.
The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Mayoral Candidate Gets Backing of Former Opponents
By Charles Huggins
The Morning News
FAYETTEVILLE -- Hoping for a last-minute push in the final leg of the mayor’s race, current Alderman Lioneld Jordan announced Saturday morning he has cultivated the support of two former candidates.
Supporters gathered at the Washington Square to hear Walt Eilers throw his weight and 2,189 votes to Jordan before the Nov. 25 run-off election.
“Lioneld has the set of skills to help the city move forward,” Eilers told the crowd. “I encourage you to help him out.”
That set of skills includes having good communication skills, knowing how city government works without micromanaging, and having a good working relationship with the City Council, Eilers said.
Former candidate Adam Fire Cat, donned in a half-black, half-white tuxedo, brought his off-beat but straightforward perspective with his endorsement of Jordan.
Fire Cat agrees with Jordan’s philosophy of fiscal responsibility and operating a balanced city budget, he said.
“To me, numbers are black and white,” Fire Cat said, drawing a chuckle from the crowd.
Jordan stumped on having a better relationship with the City Council than Coody, and said as mayor he would hold townhall meetings for each ward to give residents more participation in their government.
“This whole campaign has been about two words: The people,” Jordan said following the announcement.
Having the support of Eilers and Fire Cat could be what Jordan needs to put him over the top, Jordan said. Coody received 9,806 votes, or 37 percent, in the Nov. 4 general election, and Jordan received 7,380 votes, or 28 percent.
Coody agreed the race is about the citizens, but said, “It’s also about how to best bring about change based on the public input. There’s a long track record with me to prove that.”
Coody contested the claim that Jordan has a better relationship with aldermen than he does.
“We got 99 percent of everything passed,” Coody said. “We get along fine.”
Early voting begins on Nov. 18 through Nov. 24, with the run-off election on Nov. 25.
Walt Eilers endorses Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Monday, November 3, 2008
David Pieper says Lioneld Jordan is a man of integrity
Let's make Lioneld Jordan our next mayor
I have had the privilege of knowing Lioneld Jordan for more than 10 years. For the past seven years, he has demonstrated his commitment to the city he loves by his dedicated service on the City Council. In these tough times, we need solid, tested leadership in the mayor's office. Lioneld is a man of integrity and a man of his word. He is the candidate I trust to take our city in the right direction. On Tuesday, I will be voting for Lioneld Jordan and will be honored to have him as our mayor.
David Pieper
I have had the privilege of knowing Lioneld Jordan for more than 10 years. For the past seven years, he has demonstrated his commitment to the city he loves by his dedicated service on the City Council. In these tough times, we need solid, tested leadership in the mayor's office. Lioneld is a man of integrity and a man of his word. He is the candidate I trust to take our city in the right direction. On Tuesday, I will be voting for Lioneld Jordan and will be honored to have him as our mayor.
David Pieper
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Please vote for Lioneld Jordan for mayor of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Please vote for Lioneld Jordan for mayor
Lioneld Jordan has been my choice for mayor of Fayetteville since the beginning of discussion of the upcoming election more than a year ago.
There is no one in the race who can be expected to do more to protect the environment of our city, the people of our city or make better decisions for the future of our city.
Lioneld was born in Fayetteville. I wasn't. I have never been able to call any other place home even when I worked in Little Rock for a few years. But, if anyone loves Fayetteville more than I do, it is Lioneld.
And no one in public life since I first attended graduate school at the University of Arkansas in 1966 has more consistently earned my respect.
I have found him always willing to listen to the concerns of everyone. The fact that he understands and relates to working people in my Town Branch neighborhood in south Fayetteville has been very important to us in recent years.
He supported our effort to save a parcel of wetland prairie from an intense development as we raised money to make the land a city nature park. The project would have wedged 48 apartments into a beautiful and old single-family neighborhood with no concern for the sensitive environment.
He voted to protect the Wilson Spring property, a much bigger and more unusually delicate ecosystem than almost any place this side of the Buffalo River,
He earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club in part for those votes and for his support of parks and trails and the steep, timbered hillsides of our city.
He has earned the endorsement of the firefighters and police officers of our city. He has earned the endorsement of the union of members of the staff and faculty of the University of Arkansas, where he has worked for decades.
He has earned the respect and endorsement of the local Green Party.
Among people I know, he has strong support among those whose statewide and national votes will be for candidates of both Democratic and Republican parties. His record stands on its own. He is the kind of person that most members of both major parties want to see on their ticket.
And he has been endorsed by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
As a member of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology, I am only one of many who have voted for Lioneld, because he is strong in all the areas of OMNI's concern.
I am among the members of the Carbon Caps Task Force who support Lioneld.
I have friends who support the Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, the Arkansas Wildlife Federation, Audubon Arkansas, the National Audubon Society, Quail Unlimited and many unaffiliated hunters and fishermen and bird-watchers and nature lovers who have expressed support for Lioneld.
Most important, however, are the working people of Fayetteville who know and respect Lioneld and believe that he will continue to give them a voice in city government, even as he works to create new jobs in the city and housing for low-income residents and to protect the environment while negotiating the best possible development plans as our city continues to grow.
Lioneld respects everyone and shows no prejudice toward anyone. He listens to all and learns and strives to make decisions fair to all. He is indeed the real deal.
Aubrey James Shepherd
Lioneld Jordan has been my choice for mayor of Fayetteville since the beginning of discussion of the upcoming election more than a year ago.
There is no one in the race who can be expected to do more to protect the environment of our city, the people of our city or make better decisions for the future of our city.
Lioneld was born in Fayetteville. I wasn't. I have never been able to call any other place home even when I worked in Little Rock for a few years. But, if anyone loves Fayetteville more than I do, it is Lioneld.
And no one in public life since I first attended graduate school at the University of Arkansas in 1966 has more consistently earned my respect.
I have found him always willing to listen to the concerns of everyone. The fact that he understands and relates to working people in my Town Branch neighborhood in south Fayetteville has been very important to us in recent years.
He supported our effort to save a parcel of wetland prairie from an intense development as we raised money to make the land a city nature park. The project would have wedged 48 apartments into a beautiful and old single-family neighborhood with no concern for the sensitive environment.
He voted to protect the Wilson Spring property, a much bigger and more unusually delicate ecosystem than almost any place this side of the Buffalo River,
He earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club in part for those votes and for his support of parks and trails and the steep, timbered hillsides of our city.
He has earned the endorsement of the firefighters and police officers of our city. He has earned the endorsement of the union of members of the staff and faculty of the University of Arkansas, where he has worked for decades.
He has earned the respect and endorsement of the local Green Party.
Among people I know, he has strong support among those whose statewide and national votes will be for candidates of both Democratic and Republican parties. His record stands on its own. He is the kind of person that most members of both major parties want to see on their ticket.
And he has been endorsed by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
As a member of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology, I am only one of many who have voted for Lioneld, because he is strong in all the areas of OMNI's concern.
I am among the members of the Carbon Caps Task Force who support Lioneld.
I have friends who support the Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, the Arkansas Wildlife Federation, Audubon Arkansas, the National Audubon Society, Quail Unlimited and many unaffiliated hunters and fishermen and bird-watchers and nature lovers who have expressed support for Lioneld.
Most important, however, are the working people of Fayetteville who know and respect Lioneld and believe that he will continue to give them a voice in city government, even as he works to create new jobs in the city and housing for low-income residents and to protect the environment while negotiating the best possible development plans as our city continues to grow.
Lioneld respects everyone and shows no prejudice toward anyone. He listens to all and learns and strives to make decisions fair to all. He is indeed the real deal.
Aubrey James Shepherd
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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