Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lioneld jordan seeks others' views

Jordan seeks others ’ views
Many people have asked me why I support Lioneld Jordan over Dan Coody in Fayetteville’s mayoral race. “ After all, ” they say, “ Mayor Coody has done a lot of good things for Fayetteville. ”
I never contest a person’s claim that our current mayor has accomplished some good things for Fayetteville. I know that he has. Additionally, I realize that there is no one whose decisions I am going to agree with all of the time. Instead, I simply relate an experience that I had some time ago. It speaks for itself and I would like to tell that story here, with the hope that the reader will understand that I harbor no anger or malice toward Mayor Coody. The following experience does explain however, why I do not support his bid for a third term as mayor.
Several years ago, one of the hotly contested issues facing Fayetteville citizens concerned the fate of some wetlands on the northwest side of town known as Wilson Springs. On one warm summer evening, the Green Party of Washington County held a forum on the issue at the pavilion in Agri Park. Several speakers had been scheduled to give presentations that evening. To be honest, these pretty much supported the Green Party’s position on the issue. Mayor Coody and some members of the City Council attended the event. I was the moderator for the evening.
In my opinion, one of those giving a presentation that evening was being extremely critical of Mr. Coody and his point of view. Although I did not agree with the mayor’s position, and although he was not a scheduled speaker, I approached him and offered an opportunity for rebuttal; I felt that it was only fair. My offer was accepted graciously, and Mayor Coody had his time before the audience.
Between one and three weeks later, I found myself in Room 111 at City Hall. If I remember correctly, the occasion was a Ward 4 meeting. Once again, the theme concerned Wilson Springs, and it was Mayor Coody this time that was fielding the questions and comments. Several citizens were called upon to offer their comments; yet, although my hand was raised politely throughout this question-and-answer period, I was never given an opportunity to speak. Mayor Coody already understood that my opinions on this issue conflicted with his. I left the meeting feeling as though my voice was denied because of that difference of opinion.
Through relating this experience to various people, I have found other Fayetteville residents that have told me of their own similar experiences with the incumbent mayor; that is, whenever their opinions had differed from his.
Lioneld Jordan, however, not only listens to his constituents, but he actually solicits their viewpoints. Further, after making a decision, Lioneld is always open to discussing it with anyone. That’s the way it should be. For all of the above reasons then, I am asking Fayetteville voters to support Lioneld Jordan in the Nov. 25 runoff election.
Al Vick

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